Mailing List of the Brazilian Fuzzy Community

As mentioned in the history, in September 2009, the Brazilian Society of Applied and Computational Mathematics (SBMAC) promoted the creation of the first mini-symposium entitled "Fundamentals and Applications of Fuzzy Logic" as part of the National Congress of Computational and Applied Mathematics, held in Cuiab-a - MT. It was foud, at that time, that approximately 2000 CNPq Lattes CVs involved the keyword "Fuzzy". In this context the need came naturally in organizing a national conference on this issue and that had a national aspect, the I Brazilian Congress of Fuzzy Systems (I Congresso Brasileiro em Sistemas Fuzzy - I CBSF; in Portuguese). Beyond that, an national e-mail list was created, through which the various actors involved in fuzzy systems could post their messages on the topic.

The list is open and you are invited to subscribe on it:

CBSF organization.