

A. SCHEDULE: Registration on the III CBSF may vary according to the following tables: B. BANK DEPOSIT INFORMATION:

Registration must be made through an identified bank deposit or Electronic DOC, using the following information:

Bank: Banco do Brasil

Bank number: 3062-7

Account number: 15.146-7

On behalf of: Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional CNPJ: 51.793.982/0001-57

The bank receipt (and association membership) must be attached on the registration form below. Caso contrário, a inscrição ficará pendente.

Each registration allows the participation in one mini-course (under availability). Information about each mini-course is available at the link O evento possui 2 mini­cursos grátis, mas cada um com vagas limitadas a 30 participantes. As informações sobre os mesmos poderão ser acessadas no link "Mini-­courses".


1. Registration receipts can be requested to SBMAC through the e-mail: (cc to under the subject "Receipt CBSF", to Ms. Andrea.

2. Registrations which are not according to the tables above will not be accepted.

If you have any problem, please contact


Please, access the CBSF 2014 Registration Form.